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Thursday, May 31, 2007

If Lateness is A Virtue, I am the Virtue Queen!

I've been thinking (that's why I'm late with my newsletter—I can't do two things at once), and as the galley proofs of my latest memoir have just come of the press, my thoughts of course turned to farming and ranching, both of which I've tried, and don't recommend if you enjoy leisure and money as much as I do.

But it was fun (and exhausting) while it lasted (12 very busy years).

Should your thoughts turn to something similar, check out the web page link above. I write for New Holland, but for a different branch, ACRES: Innovative Country Living Magazine (see it at your friendly neighborhood New Holland dealership). Great general and specific ranching and farming and country living articles abound in both ACRES and the New Holland News, so if you're serious—and you'd better read "Accidental Cowgirl" before you throw your cowboy hat into the ring—browse the site above. You can see a preview of "AC" at my website, .

I'll keep you posted.

Newsletter is coming soon! Meanwhile I just have one thing to say: "Yeehaw!"


Thursday, May 10, 2007

New Link for Writers, Editors and Publishers

Hey, Savvy Ladies,

Check out my new blogger panel, (at bottom),featuring the Publilsher's Lunch Job Board.

Lots of new listings are created every day, so if you're jobhunting in the literary mode, it's a great place to look, and it's updated every day.

Meanwhile, I go back to writing my next newsletter, and figuring out how to market my new book, Accidental Cowgirl, in the next few months.

It's going to Book Expo America in New York City, as is Briarhopper, my first book.
I'm excited!

Question: Would you like to see decorating snippets, or gardening, or herbs or writing or small business or country living thoughts, or health, or...what? I'm open to a conversation about any or all of these topics, and if you ask a question I can't answer, I'll let you know, or try to find one.



Monday, May 07, 2007

Back in the Saddle Again

I'm back from L.A. (Big book expo there last weekend—44,000 people!)

Ready to start marketing my new book, Accidental Cowgirl, though the official publication date is still a couple of months away.
I'll have a few "unofficial" copies before then, and it seems it is never too late to start flogging your book (or so they tell me).

If you'd like to order an early printing, let me know.

Just finished another newsletter (go to my website to sign up), and I have a new article at the link above, on antique roses, should you have an interest.

That's all for now. Drop me a line and let me know how you're doing, and what kinds of articles you'd like to see in the newsletter.
