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Friday, December 30, 2011

10 Day Book Club

I am, obviously, a sometime blogger, but would love to follow yours. Good for you!

Friday, June 03, 2011

Health On My Mind

April 2011 issue of Consumer Reports has an article titled, Safeguarding Your Brain, that is worth checking out.

Also, the FAST method of checking for signs of stroke. F: Face—Ask the person to smile and look for droop on one side of the face; A: Arms—Raise their arms to see if one drifts down; S: Speech—Repeat a simple phrase, to determine if speech is slurred, and T: Time—Call 911 right away if any such symptoms are observed.

This is important stuff. Pass it on!

Monday, April 11, 2011


Yikes! I haven't done my taxes yet!

Rainy Portland

Off to Portland to sit and watch the rain come down, and maybe get some revision work done on my next book.

Wanted to plant seeds before leaving, but maybe no time. There's always the Farmers' Market.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Chronic Pain

Coping with chronic pain is bad enough, but most of us still have to work while we cope.

As one who has had to deal with tendinitis and related repetitive stress problems as a freelance writer, I'd like to direct others with similar problems to Page 10 of the American Chronic Pain Association Chronicle this month, where there is a helpful diagram for those who work all day with computers.

If you don't know already, a proper workstation is of primary importance for both avoidance of and living with pain in your workplace.

Believe me, RSS (repetitive stress syndrome) is a lot easier to prevent than cure. Check it out, then email them at the address below to become a member. They do great good for those of us who suffer as we work.


Monday, March 07, 2011


At last! A crystalline day in Northern California! I rejoice and prune raspberries. Three chapters of my new book revised yesterday. Rainy days are good for writing—sunny days for gardening.