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Tuesday, February 27, 2007



This is an utterly enjoyable site for kidlit aficionados, or humor aficionados, or both. If you're looking for a lift, visit this blog!

Thanks, Greg

ML (from the wilds of Northern California).

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Better Late Than...

Lots of new things on my website soon, but first of all, let me apologize for taking so long to post. I have had two lovely lady friends visiting this week, and what with the holiday, etc., etc., I have been remiss.

I'm in the process of recording my first book, Briarhopper, on CD, so if you like to listen more than you like to read, this is for you. I know I often find I get more learning and entertainment while I'm in my car than I do at home, because it's so hard to find the time (and a quiet place) to read anymore. When I DO read, I feel guilty because I'm not multitasking! What a world we live in...

Please write to me here or by the e-mail address above, and let me know what you'd like to see in the newsletter, on any of the topics above. It's YOUR newsletter, so make it work for you.

Thanks, we'll talk soon.


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

A Veritable Valentine Whirlwind!

Hello all,

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day to you!

I'm getting ready for a power-packed, really big finish on my newsletter (available free at the website above), say, sometime next week, and then you won't hear from me until mid-March or so.

Why? Because I really must buckle down and finish my book, Accidental Cowgirl, in time to enter it at Book Expo America in NYC in June.

So check out the next newsletter, and wish me luck!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

Rain, Rain, Rain

Back from the coast, where all the storms arrive first. It is a truly elemental experience, watching them arrive on land.

I spent the last week there, and without Internet access, I felt really cut off, but there was always the local Internet café, and though I had to buy overpriced coffee for the privilege, I was able to check my e-mail. I'd forgotten how dependent I was on that.

Good to be home. Gotta work on my free newsletter, the next installment coming up next week, I hope.